Ministry of the Priest 4: Caring for the Sick
CourseThis course explores the priest's ministry as it relates to the Sacramental Rites of Healing, both the Reconciliation of the Penitent and the Ministration of the Sick and Dying.
The Fire and the Cloud
CourseA Short Course with Chris Green exploring his book "The Fire and the Cloud: A Biblical Christology"
Christian Life with St Maximus
CourseThis three-session course explores St. Maximus Confessor’s Christological vision of creation and the ways this vision elucidates the spiritual life of Christians.
Truth & Consequences: The Wisdom of the Story of David
CourseThis course offers a literary and theological reading of the story of David, exploring how the events of his life reveal the truth of ours.
God, Mammon, Caesar: Economics and the Way of Jesus
CourseThis course explores Jesus' teaching on money, wealth, and power and how it shaped early Christian theology and ministry. Thur OCT 27th 6-9pmCST via Zoom
Mary and the Mystery of Salvation
CourseThis course focuses on the relationship between Mary and the Mystery of Salvation.