The Ministry of the Deacon 1: Worship
CourseIn this course, we explore the development and definition of the historic diaconate as well as the location, shape, and groundwork of diaconal ministry.
Ministry of the Deacon 2: Mission
CourseAn exploration of the missional aspects of the diaconate, its theology and practicalities.
Staying Healthy in Ministry
CourseThis course explores how ministers can best fulfill their responsibilities to themselves and others in ways that are healthy, generative, and faithful rather than violent, toxic, or self-alienating.
Ministry of the Priest 1: Leading the Liturgy
CourseThis course examines the ministry of the priest as celebrant, exploring what it means to lead the faithful in celebrating the liturgy faithfully.
Ministry of the Priest 2: Proclaiming the Word
CourseThis course examines the ministry of the priest as preacher, exploring the sermon and what it means to work within sacramental liturgy and lectionary, and what happens beyond "the liturgy".
Ministry of the Priest 3: Teaching the Faith
CourseThis course explores the priestly work of catechesis, discipleship, and theological formation.