Spirituality & Theology of the BCP
An introduction to liturgical and pastoral uses of the Book of Common Prayer in light of the theology and spirituality of Anglican tradition, especially as practiced in the Order and Diocese of St Anthony.
FREE PREVIEWBibliography
FREE PREVIEWThe Thinkific App | Mobile Access to the Institute
1 | The Prayer Book as a Rule of Life
2 | Prayer Book Spirituality
3 | The Calendar: Theology and Emotion
4 | What is a Collect?
1 | Understanding Prayer
Video 1 | Handout
2 | Constraining Prayer
Video 2 | Handout
3 | Silence and Repentance
Video 3 | Handout
4 | Psalms and Canticles
Video 4 | Handout
5 | The Word of the Lord
Video 5 | Handout
6 | The Mission of Prayer
Video 6 | Handout
1 | A Brief History of the CEEC
FREE PREVIEW2 | CEEC Instruments of Unity
3 | Rowan Williams - Anglican Identities
4 | Alexander Schmemann - Clergy and Laity
5 | Extramural Anglicans
6 | Archbishop Ramsey Sermons
7 | C.E.W. Green "We Have Come to Fullness”: Toward a Pentecostal Catholicity
FREE PREVIEW8 | Rowan Williams - An Anglican "Family"
1 | Using the BCP Devotionally
FREE PREVIEW2 | R.R. Reno - In the Ruins of the Church
3 | Marcel Metzger - History of the Liturgy - Ch.3: Liturgy in 2nd and 3rd Centuries
4 | Alan Jacobs - “One Book, One Country”, in The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography
5 | The Shape Fallacy
6 | Glossary of Terms
1 | The Book of Common Prayer | A Short Timeline
2 | BCP Annotated Timeline | Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique
3 | The 1662 Book of Common Prayer
4 | The 1928 Book of Common Prayer
5 | The 1962 Canadian Book of Common Prayer
6 | The 1979 Book of Common Prayer
7 | The 1985 Book of Alternative Services (Canada)
8 | The 2019 Book of Common Prayer (ACNA)
9 | A New Zealand Prayer Book
10 | The 2022 Book of Occasional Services
11 | BCP Online Editions
12 | "How To" videos of 1662 Liturgies